Alice Lloyd (Ky.)
Allen (S.C.)
Antelope Valley (Calif.)
Aquinas (Mich.)
Arizona Christian
Asbury (Ky.)
Ave Maria (Fla.)
Avila (Mo.)
Bacone (Okla.)
Baker (Kan.)
Bellevue (Neb.)
Benedictine (Kan.)
Benedictine - Mesa (Ariz.)
Bethany (Kan.)
Bethel (Ind.)
Bethel (Kan.)
Bethel (Tenn.)
Blue Mountain (Miss.)
Bluefield (Va.)
Brenau (Ga.)
Brescia (Ky.)
Brewton-Parker (Ga.)
Briar Cliff (Iowa)
Bryan (Tenn.)
Cal Maritime
Calumet St. Joseph (Ind.)
Campbellsville (Ky.)
Cardinal Stritch (Wis.)
Carlow (Pa.)
Carroll (Mont.)
Central Baptist (Ark.)
Central Christian (Kan.)
Central Methodist (Mo.)
Cincinnati Christian (Ohio)
Clarke (Iowa)
Coastal Georgia (Ga.)
College of Idaho
College of the Ozarks (Mo.)
Columbia (Mo.)
Columbia (S.C.)
Columbia International (S.C.)
Concordia (Mich.)
Concordia (Neb.)
Corban (Ore.)
Cornerstone (Mich.)
Cottey (Mo.)
Crowley's Ridge (Ark.)
Culver-Stockton (Mo.)
Cumberland (Tenn.)
Cumberlands (Ky.)
Dakota State (S.D.)
Dakota Wesleyan (S.D.)
Dickinson State (N.D.)
Dillard (La.)
Doane (Neb.)
Dordt (Iowa)
Eastern Oregon
Edward Waters (Fla.)
Embry-Riddle (Ariz.)
Evangel (Mo.)
Evergreen (Wash.)
Faulkner (Ala.)
Fisher (Mass.)
Fisk (Tenn.)
Florida College
Florida Memorial
Florida National
Freed-Hardeman (Tenn.)
Friends (Kan.)
Georgetown (Ky.)
Goshen (Ind.)
Governors State (Ill.)
Grace (Ind.)
Graceland (Iowa)
Grand View (Iowa)
Hannibal-LaGrange (Mo.)
Harris-Stowe State (Mo.)
Haskell (Kan.)
Hastings (Neb.)
Holy Cross (Ind.)
Holy Family (Wis.)
Hope International (Calif.)
Huntington (Ind.)
Huston-Tillotson (Texas)
Indiana Tech
Indiana Wesleyan
IU East (Ind.)
IU Kokomo (Ind.)
IU Northwest (Ind.)
IU South Bend (Ind.)
IU Southeast (Ind.)
Jamestown (N.D.)
Jarvis Christian (Texas)
John Brown (Ark.)
Johnson & Wales (Fla.)
Judson (Ill.)
Kansas Wesleyan
Keiser University
Kentucky Christian
La Sierra (Calif.)
Langston (Okla.)
Lawrence Tech (Mich.)
Lewis-Clark State (Idaho)
Life (Ga.)
Life Pacific (Calif.)
Lincoln (Ill.)
Lincoln Christian (Ill.)
Lindenwood-Belleville (Ill.)
Lindsey Wilson (Ky.)
Lourdes (Ohio)
Loyola (La.)
LSU Alexandria (La.)
LSU Shreveport (La.)
Lyon (Ark.)
Madonna (Mich.)
Marian (Ind.)
Martin Methodist (Tenn.)
Mayville State (N.D.)
McPherson (Kan.)
Menlo (Calif.)
Mid-America Christian (Okla.)
MidAmerica Nazarene (Kan.)
Middle Georgia State
Midland (Neb.)
Midway (Ky.)
Milligan (Tenn.)
Missouri Baptist
Missouri Valley
Mobile (Ala.)
Montana State-Northern
Montana Tech
Montana Western
Montreat (N.C.)
Morningside (Iowa)
Morris (S.C.)
Mount Marty (S.D.)
Mount Mercy (Iowa)
Mount Vernon Nazarene (Ohio)
Multnomah (Ore.)
Northern New Mexico
Northwest (Wash.)
Northwest Christian (Ore.)
Northwestern (Iowa)
Northwestern Ohio
Ohio Christian (Ohio)
Oklahoma City
Oklahoma Panhandle State
Oklahoma Wesleyan
Olivet Nazarene (Ill.)
Oregon Tech
Ottawa (Ariz.)
Ottawa (Kan.)
Our Lady of the Lake (Texas)
Pacific Union (Calif.)
Park (Mo.)
Paul Quinn (Texas)
Penn State Schuylkill
Peru State (Neb.)
Philander Smith (Ark.)
Pikeville (Ky.)
Point (Ga.)
Point Park (Pa.)
Presentation (S.D.)
Providence (Mont.)
Reinhardt (Ga.)
Rio Grande (Ohio)
Robert Morris (Ill.)
Rochester (Mich.)
Rocky Mountain (Mont.)
Roosevelt (Ill.)
Rust (Miss.)
SAGU (Texas)
San Diego Christian (Calif.)
Science & Arts (Okla.)
Shawnee State (Ohio)
Siena Heights (Mich.)
Simpson (Calif.)
Southeastern (Fla.)
Southern Oregon
Southern-New Orleans (La.)
Southwest (N.M.)
Southwestern (Kan.)
Southwestern Christian (Okla.)
Spring Arbor (Mich.)
St. Ambrose (Iowa)
St. Andrews (N.C.)
St. Francis (Ill.)
St. Francis (Ind.)
St. Katherine (CA)
St. Louis Pharmacy (Mo.)
St. Mary (Kan.)
St. Mary (Neb.)
St. Thomas (Fla.)
St. Xavier (Ill.)
Stephens (Mo.)
Sterling (Kan.)
Stillman College (Ala.)
Tabor (Kan.)
Talladega (Ala.)
Taylor (Ind.)
Tennessee Wesleyan
Texas A&M - Texarkana
Texas College
Texas Wesleyan
The Master's (Calif.)
Thomas (Ga.)
Thomas More (Ky.)
Tougaloo (Miss.)
Trinity Christian (Ill.)
Trinity International (Ill.)
Truett McConnell (Ga.)
UC Merced (Calif.)
Union (Ky.)
Valley City State (N.D.)
Vanguard (Calif.)
Virgin Islands
Viterbo (Wis.)
Voorhees (S.C.)
Waldorf (Iowa)
Walla Walla (Wash.)
Warner (Fla.)
Warner Pacific (Ore.)
Washington Adventist (Md.)
Wayland Baptist (Texas)
Webber International (Fla.)
Westmont (Calif.)
Wilberforce (Ohio)
Wiley (Texas)
William Carey (Miss.)
William Jessup (Calif.)
William Penn (Iowa)
William Woods (Mo.)
Williams Baptist (Ark.)
WVU Tech
Xavier (La.)
York (Neb.)